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​​WRBC Youth Schedule 2017/2018
Every Wednesday night at The Well
6:30-8:30 pm (gr.6-12)

Beginning September 13th, come every Wednesday, for a night typically filled

with games, music, small groups, and devotions. We meet in room 204 at
White Rock Baptist Church. (1657-140th St. Surrey)


Girl’s Night and Boy's Night
7:00pm-9:30pm (Gr. 6-12 Girls and Gr.6-12 Boys)
Every 2nd Friday Gr.6,7 girls gather and every 4th Friday of the Month Gr.8-12 Girls get together. Both gatherings are held at Lisa's (Our Children’s Ministry Pastor) home. For her address, please email her ( Also typically the 3rd Friday, Gr.6-12 Boys gather in the church youth room. This is a fun night for them to hang out with one another, playing games, watching movies, snacks etc. 

Westminster House
6:15-8:30pm (gr. 8-12)

On occasion we visit the residents at Westminster House across our parking lot.

They love having us visit to play games with them and sing Christmas carols to them at Christmas time.

Please meet in the fireside room at White Rock Baptist Church.

* For further info on more events please contact Jason at to be added to our list.


Youth Alpha

6:30pm-8:30pm Gr.6-12

Join us every Wednesday, from October 4th to December 13th as we explore life's deepest questions. We will have a time of games, worship, snacks and small group discussion as we watch a different video every week. 

Click here for more info  

And on top of the regular occurring events we have a list of

Special Events


8th: Girls Night! 7pm-9pm (Please see top for more info)

27th: Westminster House (Please see top for more info)
29th- 30th: Annual Youth All-Nighter Kick-Off (Gr.8-12) 8:00pm- 8:00am (Gr. 6,7 stays till 11:30pm)
Cost: it’s Free! Come join us as we get locked inside the church for a night full of games, snacks, music, movies and more!  Don't miss out and bring a friend! Meet in room 204 at White Rock Baptist Church.



21st: Zimbabwe Banquet 6:15pm-9:30pm (gr.6-12)
Volunteers needed for this event, to serve food, drinks for an annual

Gecko Zimbabwe Society Dinner Fundraiser. I will email ahead, for more info.

31st: Annual WRBC Student Food Drive (gr.6-12) 6pm-8:00pm
Please meet in the fireside room. This is an evening where we collect food from the surrounding neighborhood for the local Food Bank and dress up at the same time.



10th: Jr Girls Night 7pm @ Lisa's Place

17th: Gr.8-12 Boys Night/Movie Night 6:30pm Movie, TBD

24th: Gr.8-12 Girls 7pm @Lisa's Place 

25th: Christmas on the Peninsula 10am-5pm

Volunteers needed to help out with face painting, children's stage and clean up.

Contact Jason for more details.


1st: The Glory Boys Concert 7pm-9:15pm Cost: $8.00 (Gr.6-12)
9th: Christmas Party 7pm-10pm (gr.8-12)
     - Cost: $7 entry (Or Snack and drink to share) and $10 Gift for  Gift Exchange Game

     - Come join us for our annual Christmas Party. 

20th: Westminster House Games Night with Residents 6:15pm-8:30pm Contact

23rd: Girls Night7pm @ 

* No Wednesday Nights at the Well, on Dec. 27th,
and January 3rd
* Boy’s and Girls Night will start again January 19th



10th: First day back at The Well (See the
 top for description)
19th: Boys (Gr.8-12) /Girls (Gr.6,7) Night 7pm-9:30pm
(Please see top for more info)

26th: Girls Night (Gr.8-12) 7pm @ Lisa's place

27th: Missions Fest (gr 6-12) Please Sign up by January 18th

5pm-10:45pm. (Meet and return at the church)

Gr.6-8 Cost: 8.00

Gr. 9-12 Cost: 14.00



16th: Girls (Gr.8-12) Night 7pm-9pm 

17th: Boys Night (Gr.8-12) 7pm-9pm
(Please see top for more info)


16th: Boys/Girls Night 7pm-9:30pm

23rd-24th: Spring Break Sleep Over 8pm-8:30am (gr.8-12)


13th:Jr.Girls (Gr. 6,7) Night @ Lisa's Place 7pm-9:30pm

25th: Westminster House Gr.8-12 (Please see top for more info)
Boys Night (Gr.6-12)

21st:Bowling Night 7pm-9pm (gr.8-12) Meet and pick up at Sandcastle Lanes. Cost $20
27th:Girls (Gr.8-12) Night 7pm-9pm



4-6th: Grade 11,12 and Young Adult Spring Retreat @ Chilliwack Lake, contact Jason for more info.

11th:Girls Night (Gr.6,7) 7pm-9:30pm @ Lisa's Place

18th: Boys Night(Gr.6-12)  7pm-9:30pm Meet in the Youth Room

23rd: Westminster House Gr. (8-12)(Please see top for more info)

25th: Sr. Girls Night (Gr.8-12) 7pm-9:30pm Meet at Lisa's Place

26th: Youth Music Concert Fundraiser 7pm-9pm (gr.6-12)
This is a fundraiser for missions trips that our youth and young adults will go on.

If you play an instrument, we would love for you to share your talents with us!

Contact Jason for more details.


8th: Jr.Girls Night (Gr. 6,7) @ Lisa's Place 7pm-9:30pm

10th: Grad Service 10am-12pm and BBQ Dinner (gr. 6-12) Location and Cost: TBA

15th:Boys Night(Gr.6-12)  7pm-9:30pm Meet in the Youth Room

16th: Car Wash/Bake Sale 11am-3pm @ White Rock Baptist Church 
22nd: Sr. Girls
 Night (Gr.8-12) 7pm-9:30pm Meet at Lisa's Place

27th: End of the year Party! Meet in the Youth Room! 

Gr.6-12 6:30pm-8:30pm

​July/August Event Dates 

Serve July 1st-7th

* Events are subject to change!

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